To our Green Oak shoppers: We were recently made aware that MDOT will be closing multiple ramps along US-23 in the Brighton area starting Tuesday, September 5.
Impacted ramps include:
- NB US-23 ramp to EB I-96 (9/5 from 5 AM – 2 PM)
- EB/WB Lee Road ramp to NB US-23 (9/5 from 5 AM – 2 PM)
- NB US-23 ramp to Lee Road (9/5 5AM – 9/19 5 PM)
- NB US-23 will also have a lane closure from Silver Lake Road to I-96 (9/5 from 5 AM – 2 PM)
The awesome news? Green Oak will remain open for regular operating hours during the closures! Please refer to the details below and the map for information on the alternate routes to the center.
Northbound US-23 will be able to exit at Silver Lake Road and follow Fieldcrest Drive to reach Green Oak. You can also exit at Silver Lake Road and take Whitmore Lake Road to get to Lee Road.
All Southbound ramps and the bridge over US-23 will remain open during this period.
Visit the MDOT website for more information.
Thank you for continuing to support Green Oak Village Place during this construction project!